At Epic, we believe that access to outlets for creative expression is not a luxury, but an essential part of the human experience. To counter the ongoing challenges presented by COVID-19, we’ve adapted our season to keep the Epic family connected, collaborating, and creating new works of socially-conscious art on a wide range of digital platforms. We invite you to take a look at some of these experiences and join us online:
Remote Learning in ELA, History, Science, and Advisory
Ron, Melissa, and Jim have designed and co-taught online versions of our arts integration residencies in schools across the country. Epic artists are supporting teachers and students in English Language Arts, History, Science, and Advisory classes, using a combination of recorded performances of text by Epic’s ensemble of actors, live interviews conducted by students, primary source research, and dramatic writing and performance. Click here to learn more about Epic’s Remote Learning residencies.
Epic Virtual Theatre Lab
The Arthur Miller Foundation commissioned Epic to to lead a city-wide ensemble of Public High School drama students in the making of a digital play.
Click here for more online resources for educators
We’ve adapted Epic’s signature after-school youth development program to several different digital formats. Here are some of scenes from the latest offerings:
Subscribe to Epic’s YouTube channel to receive updates
The Fifty State Conversation
The initiative features a series of free online screenings and post performance discussions around Epic’s film Nothing About Us, a student-created exploration of educational segregation, and culminates with a national conversation about racial justice in schools with multi-generational participants from all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and Washington, DC. Click here to register for The Fifty State Conversation.
The Epic NEXT Film Festival
The Epic NEXT Film Festival features 26 short films that explore how systemic racism manifests itself in education and the arts. Click here to see them all!
Young Playwrights Festival
Susan Kelechi Watson and Melissa completed the third annual Young Playwrights Festival. Chelsea CTE HS senior Mekhi Tudor and Bronx Lab sophomore Amanda Harris developed original plays, paired with Mentors N’Sangou Njikam and Nilaja Sun. Click here to purchase Young Playwrights Festival vol. 1

Team Epic
Epic is collaborating with The TEAM to devise a new play about public education in America, rooted deeply in the experience of Epic’s staff, alumni and current students.
College Prep
Ten of Epic’s mentors and Alum Apprentices lead online sessions with current high school seniors at Epic’s partner schools as they navigate their Financial Aid packages and prepare to choose their colleges. Ron is also partnering with College Counselors on the Evander Childs HS campus to set up a voluntary 6-session online program for up to 60 juniors to start college access conversations.

New Play Development
Epic is developing exciting new works of socially-conscious theatre by four professional playwrights.
Young Professionals and Alumni Council
Alumni Producing Associate Sade Ogunjimi maintains a robust weekly slate engaging and working with Alums, including professional development (resume workshops, Monologue Mondays) and planning YPAC mentoring opportunities.
Check back here for more updates about upcoming events and performances and, as always, you are welcome to join the work happening every afternoon in one of our online rehearsal rooms. Just let one of the Co-Founders know and we’ll happily invite you with a secure Meeting ID and password.
Stay safe and we hope to see you soon,
Ron Russell (RonRussell@EpicTheatreEnsemble.org)
Melissa Friedman (Melissa@EpicTheatreEnsemble.org)
James Wallert (Jim@EpicTheatreEnsemble.org)