On May 17, the anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education, take part in a conversation about segregation with participants from all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and Washington, DC.
Our dialogue will center around the Epic Theatre Ensemble film NOTHING ABOUT US.
NOTHING ABOUT US is a rigorous, passionate and hilarious exploration of educational segregation written and performed by those most affected and least consulted: NYC Public High School students. What does separate but equal mean to us today? Running time: 30 minutes. Watch the trailers here:
There are four ways you can participate:

AUDIENCE MEMBER: Sign up to watch a screening of NOTHING ABOUT US and then show up virtually for The Fifty State Conversation on May 17.
PROMOTER: Sign up to watch a screening of NOTHING ABOUT US and help spread the word about The Fifty State Conversation on May 17.
CO-HOST: Host a local screening and community conversation around NOTHING ABOUT US. Elect a local representative to share out your community’s thoughts during The Fifty State Conversation on May 17.
CREATOR: Create an original work of art with youth artists from your community in response to NOTHING ABOUT US. Share out your work to the entire country in the lead up to The Fifty State Conversation on May 17.
Once you’re registered, you’ll receive a link to join us for one of our
free screenings of Nothing About Us on:
Wednesday March 17 at 7pm (Eastern Standard Time)
Saturday April 17 at 3pm (Eastern Standard Time)
Monday May 17 at 7:15pm (Eastern Standard Time)
or you can rent it on demand.
The Fifty State Conversation is sponsored by:
The National Coalition on School Diversity