Blog Posts
Friday 11 – Saturday 12
Epic NEXT 2017: Performances! Be part of the culmination of an amazing program! It will showcase plays written and performed by Epic NEXT students. No reservations are required! Friday, August 11, 2017 Tier 1 – 7:30 PM Saturday, August 12, 2017 Tier 1: 7:00 PM Tier 2, including Laundry City 2: […]
The critical importance of Arts in science
Previously referred to as STEM education, STEAM education stands for ‘Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics’, a term used to describe a method of educational focus on these subjects in schools, colleges and other learning institutions. This is a term that is becoming more and more popular to the ears […]
Study: Integrating the arts and humanities into STEM learning
Study originally published at Scientists, educators, policymakers, and others have noted the importance of preparing scientists, engineers, and medical doctors not only for the laboratory but for broad participation in civic life. (McGinn and Roth 1999). Researchers and others have argued that the skills and knowledge required for civic participation […]
Dallas Schools Have Ambitious Plan to Fight Segregation
Originally published on The New York Times Dallas is one of just a handful of cities trying ambitious integration programs, even though nationwide, public schools are more segregated today than they were in 1970. A third of black and Hispanic students attend schools that are more than 90 percent nonwhite, […]
Developing Young Thinkers, Actors & Leaders
In 2012, with the support of The Pierre and Tana Matisse Foundation, we began our most ambitious youth development program: Epic NEXT; Developing Young Thinkers, Actors & Leaders. Through specifically-personalized pairings between artist-mentors and developing young artists, Epic NEXT utilizes a comprehensive, individualized approach to artistic and youth development. The Epic […]
NPR’s This Week In Education: DeVos, Discrimination, Desegregation
New York City announces school integration goals The nation’s largest public school system released a plan this week to increase integration by race, income and English language learner and disability status. But advocates called it less than ambitious, and it didn’t use the word “segregation.” Seventy percent of New York […]
Human Rights Project: Genocide
Epic Theatre Ensemble, in partnership with the Bronx High School for Writing and Communications Arts, presented the conclusion of the Human Rights Project: Genocide. During 20 sessions, Epic’s Teaching Artists, work with high-school students developing a 5-minute original play that explores the social impact of historical events associated with human rights. This […]
US students need more exposure to arts and music, test shows
8,800 eighth graders from public and private schools across the country took part in the test On the bright side, the achievement gap has narrowed between white and Hispanic students from a difference of 32 to 23 points in an average score in music and from 26 to 19 points […]
TCG: A Look at How Theaters Have Filled Gaps in Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Non-for-profit theatres diversifying the economy In October 2015, the Theatre Communications Group released its thirty-fifth annual research report, Theatre Facts 2014. The report reflects data from the fiscal years 2013/2014 from a broad overview of the estimated 1,770 U.S. professional nonprofit theaters. It shows that contributions have driven the American […]
The Socio-Emotional Benefits of Arts Education
New study examines socio-emotional benefits of arts education Elementary school children who participated in arts education programs showed growth over children without these same opportunities across multiple areas of socioemotional learning. These included: tolerance for others’ perspectives, growth mindset (i.e., the understanding that their abilities and knowledge can develop through hard […]